We are using GameAnalytics in our 50+ mobile games. When we update our games, we monitor them in 2 pages:
1) Overview Page: In this page, we filter to the latest build of our game and monitor New Users, DAU, Session Length and Retention in a single page. In the new design, we can't filter and only active users are visible. A similar page is under Dashboards section, however we tried to apply Global filter but they reset when page changes and we can't filter by app version for Retention.
2) Quality: In the legacy version, Quality section provides detailed Error report and can be easily filtered. We couldn't find similar page in new version.
Also in general, filtering is so simple in legacy but became convoluted in the new design.
We are also using other major analytics tools but GameAnalytics' legacy version's simplicity was superior to others. Adding new features is always a good thing but we hope we can use existing features of legacy in the new version.